1880 Front St, East Meadow, NY 11554, Estados Unidos
Ciudad : East Meadow, Nueva York, EE. UU.
Provincia :Estados Unidos
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Telefono : +1 516-794-3241
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Valoración por los usuarios de google maps : 4,2
Cantidad de opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :88
Opiniones de los usuarios de google maps :
Jacqueline Torres (5)
Servicio personal y gasolina de calidad
Loraine Alderman (1)
This has to be the worst gas station. On one visit they told me I had to use the full $50 on my shell gift card in order to use it which is not true. Another time it took 10 minutes with one car ahead of me to get gas,. Today, the man put my cards between his lips as he was opening the gas tank. Even if it wasn$0027t covid times, that is still totally disgusting! I have been going there because of the gift cards I have but I think I will give the gift cards to someone I want to torture because I can$0027t take the extremely bad service that gets worse each time I go there.
Las anteriores son opiniones que los usuarios han dejado en el sitio de google maps del local.
No nos hacemos responsables de dichas opiniones.
Ver mas información del centro en internet Shell East Meadow, Nueva York, EE. UU.
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Ejemplo de busquedas
– Madrid : para buscar todas las gasolineras en Madrid.
– Peluqueria Esperanza : buscar gasolineras con ese nombre.